How to approach different business cultures and learn how to engage to avoid a crisis.

Luigi Norsa & Associati and Out of the Box Consulting Solutions LLC are glad to offer, for the first time in Europe, a Cross-Culture business seminar which follows a unique method constant over time.

The seminar is aimed at managers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, organizations and all those who work and/or intend to operate in multicultural environments and want to improve and increase their knowledge base and learning methodologies that help to avoid crisis and failures due to cultural differences in business management.

Failures and crisis cause loss of money to companies and shatter solid business relationships between Managers when they underestimate and are not fully aware of different business practices and etiquette.  It is widely known that principles of conducting business may differ a lot from country to country.

There are Visible differences such as well- defined written rules and laws regarding work and trade but there are also Invisible differences , which are unwritten rules, related to local culture and behaviour that you may gain only by real life business experience and when un-known and undervalued may lead to failures and crisis.

For instance, when communication happens between Western Europe and Far East, you shall learn that China and Japan prefer a high context communication style, sophisticated, implicit messages both spoken and read between the lines on the contrary France, Germany and  Italy respond with a low context style, explicit, messages are precise simple and clear, expressed and understood at face value. If not aware of such different behaviour,  mis-communication may lead to mis-understanding hence to crisis, loss and failures.

Differences practices occur at various levels and scales, not only by communicating but also when deciding, negotiating, leading, disagreeing and more.  (Please refer to slide)

Following our seminar, you will improve the ability to take advantage of cultural differences to significantly increase the chances of success and avoid the emergence of an unreasonable crisis with relative time losses and consequently money.

Our instructors worked in 6 out of 7 continents and are able to share their wide personal experience backed up by their academic curriculums and graduate level of business and management.
